Bring Your Green - Fast Fashion
Fast Fashion
Take two very simple actions that we perform every single day: getting dressed and eating. Now start a journey backwards – to where your food and your clothes come from. At the other end, you will rarely find happy people, treated with dignity and respect. Human beings working at the bottom of any supply chain – whether it is strawberry picking, prawn fishing, cotton farming, garment workers – are often treated like slaves, without reference to our common humanity. So “fashion” – i.e. what we wear every single day, has huge relevance and huge consequences on human, social and environmental capital.”  

- Livia Firth

 According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 84 percent of unwanted clothes in the United States in 2012 went into either a landfill or an incinerator.   For the more eco-conscious, you’ll probably haul your bags to Goodwill, or the Salvation Army and get a tax receipt! Before you pat yourself on the back for your “greenness”, consider this: According to the Council for Textile Recycling, charities overall sell only 20 percent of the clothing donated to them at their retail outlets. A lot of the clothes are sold, packed in bales and sent across the ocean to developing areas like sub-Saharan Africa, South America and China (source).

This is not meant to discourage you from donating your old clothes- it’s by far a better option than throwing them in the trash.  This is meant to have you consider the root cause of over consumption.  Buy less and buy better!



Fast Fashion


Welcome to Fast Fashion Actions for Green!

Discover ways you can help by taking personal action. You can select actions you're already doing,or will start doing, now that you learned something new. Small actions taken by a large number of people makes a difference.


Social Influencers

Audience: All Ages

Points: Up to 600 Points

Students will educate their peers on the environmental and ethical impacts of the industry, while exploring creative storytelling and digital marketing strategies.

Research and Brainstorming: Teams research fast fashion's environmental and social costs, ethical alternatives, and current influencer trends. They then brainstorm unique influencer personas, considering platforms, target audience, and messaging style.
Campaign Development: Teams will enhance their influencer profiles by crafting posts, stories, and videos that shed light on various critical issues. They will address the significant environmental impact of fast fashion, including pollution, excessive water usage, and textile waste. Additionally, they will highlight labor exploitation and the unfair working conditions prevalent in the industry. The campaign will also delve into the psychology of overconsumption and the constant chase of trends, promoting sustainable alternatives such as thrifting, upcycling, and supporting ethical brands.
Content Creation: Teams will design engaging content for platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, tailored to maximize audience engagement and awareness. Their efforts will include informative explainer videos and infographics that shed light on ethical fashion practices, along with collaborations with local ethical fashion stores or designers to promote sustainability. They will also organize challenges and quizzes to raise awareness about the impact of fashion choices, feature fashion hauls from thrift stores or sustainable brands to showcase viable alternatives, and host Q&A sessions with experts or activists in the field to deepen the conversation around sustainable fashion.


Students gain deeper understanding of fast fashion's impact and sustainable alternatives.
They develop critical thinking, research, and communication skills.
They learn about digital marketing and influencer culture.
The challenge fosters creativity, collaboration, and social responsibility within the school community.

Community Partner: University of Dayton


Upload videos, infographics or written essays to relay your project messaging.

  • Video should be no longer than 30 seconds long
  • Ensure that “Bring Your Green” is in the title line.
  • Confirm that it’s set to “public” .
  • Each student in the team can submit a different video